Four new field guides available for download

We have released the first four field guides for Cyathea lunulata, Syzgium thompsonii, Serianthes nelsonii, and Zehneria guamensis.

These are double-sided half-page field guides that you can take with you on the field. They have pictures that will help you identify plants around Guam.

On the bottom of each field guide, you will find a QR code that you can use with your smartphone to connect to the web page containing more information regarding your plant.

Right-click on the links and select "download file" from the popup menu.

Field guide for Cyathea lunulata

Field guide for Syzgium thompsonii

Field guide for Serianthes nelsonii

Field guide for Zehneria guamensis

Note: These files can be read with Adobe Acrobat Reader 5 and later. Please check to see if you have the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader. 

Download the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader here: 

Adobe Reader Download
