Hedyotis megalantha
Family: Rubiaceae
Form: Short erect perennial herb
Stem: Branched, glabrous, 4-angled, can reach up to a meter
Leaves: Glossy, oblong-elliptic or ovate elliptic, chartaceous, 9-11cm long and 3-5 cm wide, shortly accuminate, acute to obtuse or rounded at base, moderately glossy; 1 cm long petioles; short and broad stipules
Flower: On branched panicle, white with purplish anthers, 4-merous, cymosely arranged; calyx obconic, nearly glabrous, 2mm long, 4 lobes each
Seeds: Black, sharply 3-angled, about 1 mm long
Propagation: Seeds
Habitat: Open savanna and on slope thickets