Psychotria rotensis
Fosberg description:
Shrub 1-2 m tall, glabrous, stems cylindric, rhaphid bundles
short linear, abundant, internodes 1-3 cm long drying light
green; leaves elliptic or oblong-elliptic, rarely slightly obovate,
to 10 x 3.5 (-4) cm, apices obtusish to usually acute, or slightly
acuminate, base acute, blade thin, nerves 6 to 8 on a side, not
prominent, network obscure, petioles slender about 1 cm long;
stipules triangular, obtuse to acute, not sheathing nor calyptrate,
sub-persistent; cymes slender, terminal, 1 to 3 at
terminal node, 2-3 times umbellately or subumbellately
few-branched, with caducous minute ovate or lanceolate bracts
at lower ramifications; calyx short, limb somewhat spreading,
teeth 5, low triangular somewhat pointed; corolla small, tube
1.5-2 mm long, lobes 5, oblong-ovate, 1.5-2 mm long,
spreading or somewhat reflexed, hooked, densely woollybearded
in throat, anthers lanceolate, basifixed in throat just
below sinuses, somewhat exserted; style and stigma exserted,
stigma bifid; fruit depressed globose, 2-3 mm high, 4 mm
wide, subgeminate especially when dry (bisulcate), purplish
red, flesh soft, pyrenes very convex only slightly 3-ribbed or
carinate, calyx persistent on fruit but very inconspicuous.
Fruit and flower from leaf axis