Hedyotis laciniata
Flowers (much shorter than Hedyotis megalantha)
Fosberg description:
Dwarf shrub or suffrutescent herb, to 40 cm tall, often
somewhat decumbent at base and rooting at nodes, glabrous
except slightly pilosulous at nodes, on stipules and smaller
branchlets of cymes and hypanthium,stems slightly squarish,
angles cord-like; leaves ovate, up to 6.5 x 3 cm, acute or very
slightly acuminate, contracted to a narrow base or very short
petiole, firm chartaceous, lateral nerves 3 or 4 on a side,
impressed above, prominent below; stipules triangular, margins
with l or 2 low flanges, and pectinate with 5 to 9 unequal
setiform glandular processes; plant corymbosely branched
above with each branch ending in a trichotomously branched
few-flowered cyme, each branch of cyme once or twice more
ramified, the central branchlet reduced to a pedicellate flower
or fruit, the lateral to a triad or once more branched;
hypanthium glabrous to pilosulous, obovoid to turbinate, calyx
lobes 2.5-3 mm long, ovate-lanceolate to narrowly oblonglanceolate
erect, coriaceous, persistent on fruit; corolla pilosulous
externally in bud, at anthesis 4-5 mm long, lobes ovate
sparsely hairy without, densely woolly within; anthers exserted
from sinuses; style with bifid stigma exserted just beyond
corolla lobes; capsule globose or subglobose, about 3 mm long,
crowned by the persistent erect calyx-lobes; seeds black,
peltate, pentagonal, reticulate.
This species seems to be confined to the northern Marianas
volcanoes. (Not anymore!)