Cycas micronesica
Family: Cycadaceae
Common name: Cycad
Chamorro name: Fadang
Form: stout palm-like tree; branching rare
Trunk: 6m or taller
Leaves: leaves pinnate, leaflets with a midrib but no literal veins, not sharped tipped
Flower: male: pollen cone called a strobilus, female: leaf-life structures called megasporophylls
Fruit: large almost golf ball size (megasporophylls)
Uses: food
Propagation: seed; unorthodox seed. cannot be stored; After ripening required
Habitat: undisturbed limestone forest, especially near the sea; summits of the southern hills
Problems/pests: cycad scale (Aulacaspis yasumatsui), cycad leaf miner (Erecthias sp.), Borer (dihammus marianarum)